By May 31, 2011 Read More →

Shouting From The Rooftops: If You’re Really In Love, Brag About It

Getting compliments from other people firsthand is great, but having someone tell you that they heard good things about your from another person is the kind of unexpected, genuine praise that many of us remember for years. After all, we’re used to insincerity when people are talking to our faces… but if you find out that someone said something good about you behind your back, or defended you when you weren’t there, you know without a doubt that you have a real friend.

Believe it or not, the same principle applies to romantic relationships and being in love. Letting your significant other know you love them when you are with them is great, but it can mean even more when other people tell them about how excited and proud of your romantic relationship or marriage you really are.

I’m not quite encouraging you to go for the old cliche about shouting from the rooftops to tell the whole world about how in love your are (although a lot of people might consider that pretty darned romantic!). There’s no reason to go overboard and stop every person you pass on the street to tell them about your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or husband. But if you’re truly in love, and if your romantic relationship is bringing happiness and excitement to your life, what’s wrong with romantic ideas like bragging about it a little bit to your friends and family?

On the flip side, one of the best ways to make your romantic partner feel totally unappreciated is to let them find out that your friends, family and coworkers know absolutely nothing about them. This lets your lover know that your relationship isn’t something you want anyone else to know about, and makes them feel that you want to hide it from the world. Even worse, if you don’t make any effort to introduce your sweetheart to any of the other people in your life, they may start to think that you’re embarrassed of your relationship and are trying to hide it from the world.

There are plenty of things about your romantic relationship that are nobody else’s business, and you should never give anyone too much information about your private life, no matter how giddy you are about it. But if you’re really in love, bragging about your significant other a little bit to your friends, family and coworkers can make them happy for you… and help them understand how much the new person in your life means to you.

So if you’re really in love and you haven’t yet made a point to tell the people around you about it, don’t be ashamed! Being in love with a wonderful person is something you should be proud of and want to tell as many people as possible about. And if you find that you’re too embarrassed to let your friends and family know about it, then you might need to ask yourself if what you’re feeling is really love at all.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go find a rooftop and start shouting!

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